GP 527 Tofta kyrka 1
mer grejer
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Parish Find Location ⓘTofta
Find Location ⓘTofta church
Find Context Classification ⓘChurch
Coordinate Find Location (lat) ⓘ6379885
Coordinate Find Location (long) ⓘ689759
Present Location Classification ⓘGotlands Museum Magasin Visborg
Coordinate Present Location (lat) ⓘ6390259
Coordinate Present Location (long) ⓘ695514
Limestone Type ⓘlimestone with onkoids
Geological Group ⓘHangvar Formation (70%)
Height ⓘ62
Width ⓘ56
Thickness ⓘ9
Lindqvist Type A (ca. 400-600)
Lindqvist Shape Dwarf stone
Runic Inscription or not ⓘNo
Context and Discovery ⓘFound in 1959 together with GP528 Tofta kyrka 2 during the restoration of Tofta Church. According to P. Widerström's list, found in the southern wall of the nave. HSGP 528 Tofta kyrka 2
Measurements, Material and Condition ⓘA completely intact stele. The surface is quite uneven and it might not have been sanded down at all. In contrast, the sides must have been worked since they look much more even than the root. The root is 0.25 m long, which makes the decorated stele only 0.36 m tall. The circular motifs are created with a comparably deep bas-relief in which the leaves of the rosettes are protruding while the spaces in between (painted in black) have been carved out. These rosettes were not made by compass. HS
References ⓘLindqvist 1962, 16 fig. 5; Oehrl 2019a, pl. 1i
TitleGP 527 Tofta kyrka 1
Gotlands Museum ID ⓘC10237
Jan Peder Lamm ID317
Last modifed Jun 25, 2024 Developer Data Identifier: GP0527-3DID: 50583D-modelPart 1 depth: 1 RGB: