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Gotlandic Picture Stones - The Online Edition

GP 357 Sjonhem kyrka III


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In Sjonhem churchyard.

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Lindqvist Type 

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Runic Inscription or not ⓘ

Runic Inscription ⓘ
[þina : iftir : hair:-os : han : to : haima : auk : ati : totur : aina : han : haitiʀ : haili : utr : ualtika : gierþi : staina : auk : uab : kustaʀ : ma… tan : auk : botbiern : ristu :]

Old West Norse
Þenna eptir Heil[f]ús(?). Hann dó heima ok átti dóttur eina. Hon heitir Heilvé. Uddr Valdinga gerði steina ok var(?) kostar ma[ðr]. Danr ok Bótbjǫrn ristu.

Runic Swedish
Þenna æftiʀ Hæil[f]os(?). Hann do hæima ok atti dottur æina. Hon hæitiʀ Hæilvi. Uddr Valdinga gærði stæina ok vaʀ(?) kostaʀ ma[ðr]. Dan ok Botbiærn ristu.

This (is placed) in memory of Heilfúss(?) He died at home and owned (= had) one daughter. She is called Heilvé. Uddr of Valdinga made the stones and he funded the monument. Dan and Bótbjǫrn carved.

Denna efter Hailfos(?). Han dog hemma och hade en dotter. Hon heter Hailvi. Valdinga-Udd(?) gjorde stenarna och … Dan och Botbjärn ristade.

Quote from Runor

Context and Discovery ⓘ
Bishop Georg Wallin investigated the stone on 25 July 1744, but no one has reported any sight of it since then. In 1744, it was lying in the churchyard together with GP 355 Sjonhem kyrka I. The stone was probably lost as early as in the late 18th century, as it was not recorded either by C.G. Hilfeling when he made a drawing of GP 355 in 1801 or by N. J. Ekdahl in 1826. Neither is it mentioned in Kyrkoinventarium 1830. The brothers Carl and Per Arvid Säve (1852) knew about the stone from Wallin and Liljegren, but they could not find it. Per Arvid Säve notes that it was nowhere be found, unless it was situated in a heap of grave-slabs stacked by the southern wall of the tower, which he however thought unlikely (GR I, pp. 271–272).

The stones GP 355 Sjonhem kyrka I, GP 356 Sjonhem kyrka II and GP 357 Sjonhem kyrka III all belonged to the same monument (GR I, p. 262). Wallin reports that all three stones were of similar shape and appearance, and he indicated that they had been carved at the same time and by the same stone mason. The last four words of the inscription, the signature, were written in a line across the stone, “In linea transversa” (GR I, p. 272).
GP 355 Sjonhem kyrka I
GP 356 Sjonhem kyrka II

Measurements, Material and Condition ⓘ
The stone is lost but judging from Wallin’s description and the length of the inscription, it was of similar size and shape as GP 355 and GP 356.
GP 355 Sjonhem kyrka I
GP 356 Sjonhem kyrka II

Description of Ornament and Images ⓘ
Nothing is known about the ornament.

Interpretation of the Imagery ⓘ
No interpretation

Runic Context and Comments ⓘ
The inscriptions of the three stones GP 355 – GP 357 clearly indicate that they all belonged to the same monument, raised in memory of three brothers who died before their parents, and thus qualifies as one of the monuments that Lindqvist called ‘Vielsteinmonumente’, see GP 361 Stenkumla kyrka I.

While the other stones were raised in memory of men who died abroad, this stone was raised in memory of a man who died at home. He had a daughter, Hailvi. The inscription has been compared to the runic inscription U 29 in Hillersjö in Uppland (GR I, p. 273). The three stones together mention 12 members of the same family. Three sons died before the parents. They had two sisters, but they were not mentioned by name (GR I, p. 273).

Three people were involved in the production of the monument; ‘Valdinga-Udd made the stones…’, later followed by the phrase ‘Dan and Botbjärn carved’. This naming of several people involved in different stages of the production may be compared to GP 22 Ardre kyrka III (G 113), GP 208 Hogrän kyrka I (G 203) and the runic grave slab Sö 356​ (Sö)​, in which several men were involved, too (Källström 2007, pp. 201–202, 302). Valdinga-Udd also paid for the monument (GR I, p. 273; Snaedal 2002, p. 75). The name element ‘Valdinga’ may point either toward Udd’s geographical descent or domicile (Källström 2007, p. 235). It has been remarked that the name Dan is not known in any other runic inscriptions on Gotland, but possibly occurs as a name of a farm. On the other hand, it is a common name in runic inscriptions in the south-eastern part of Uppland (GR I, p. 273).
GP 355 Sjonhem kyrka I
GP 356 Sjonhem kyrka II
GP 22 Ardre kyrka III

Type and Dating ⓘ
Type E in Lindqvist 1941/42. We can infer from Wallin that the stone had a mushroom or key-hole shape, and can be described as a runestone hewn into the traditional shape of a picture stone, or as a runic picture stone (Gustavson 2012, p. 107). Since it belonged to the same monument as GP 355 and GP 356, the dating should be to the latter part of the 11th century.
GP 355 Sjonhem kyrka I
GP 356 Sjonhem kyrka II

References ⓘ
Wallin 1751; Lindqvist 1941/1942 II, p. 112; GR I, G 136; Snædal Brink/Jansson, 1983, p. 431; Snaedal 2002, p. 175.

På kyrkogården.

Nuvarande förvaringsplats
Stenen är försvunnen. Den är endast känd genom en anteckning från 1744.

Troligen ca 1070-1100 e.Kr.

Stenen är försvunnen, men den lär enligt Georg Wallin som undersökte den 1744 vara av samma form och storlek som de två runbildstenarna GP 355 Sjonhem kyrka I (G 135) och GP 356 Sjonhem kyrka II (G 136).

Inskriften lyder på svenska:
Denna efter Hailfos(?). Han dog hemma och hade en dotter. Hon heter Hailvi. Valdinga-Udd(?) gjorde stenarna och … Dan och Botbjärn ristade.

Stenen har ingått i ett större monument med tre runstenar (GP 355-GP 357) till minne av tre bröder som dött före föräldrarna. Denna sten, som restes efter Hailfos som dog hemma, är försvunnen men de andra två är bevarade. Att stenarna hör samman framgår av runinskriften, som tillsammans omnämner 12 personer från samma släkt. Runstenarna är tillverkade av tre personer, Valdinga-Udd, Dan och Botbjärn.
GP 355 Sjonhem kyrka I
GP 356 Sjonhem kyrka II

GP 357 Sjonhem kyrka III

Jan Peder Lamm ID

Lindqvist Title ⓘ
Sjonhem, Kirchhof III

Runverket ID ⓘ
G 136

Last modifed Oct 25, 2024


Developer Data
Identifier: GP0357-3D
ID: 4888
Part1 Depth null
Part1 RGB null