GP 179 Hejde kyrka
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Parish Find Location ⓘHejde
Find Location ⓘUnder the floor of the sacristy of Hejde church.
Find Context Classification ⓘChurch
Coordinate Find Location (lat) ⓘ6368305
Coordinate Find Location (long) ⓘ700967
Parish Present Location ⓘHejde
Present Location ⓘStanding in the churchyard.
Present Location Classification ⓘChurchyard
Coordinate Present Location (lat) ⓘ6368305
Coordinate Present Location (long) ⓘ700967
Height ⓘ120
Width ⓘ90
Thickness ⓘ15
Lindqvist Type C/D (ca. 700-1000)
Lindqvist Shape Tall stone
Context and Discovery ⓘLindqvist (1941/42 II, p. 69) summarises the information given in a report by Erik Bohrn in 1936 (ATA dnr 3619-1936) as follows: “Picture stone that was discovered in 1936 during excavation work while building a heating room under the floor of the sacristy. Amanuens Erik Bohrn told the National Antiquarian that the stone, with the obverse facing upwards, was found approximately 10 cm below the modern floor level outside of the sacristy and 72 cm below the floor of the church choir. The earth both under the stone and in the sacristy, however, showed signs of digging and contained remains of bones; ʻtherefore, it is less probable that the place, where the stone now was found, was, in fact, the one where it originally fellʼ. Later, the stone was erected at the north wall of the churchyard, close to the left corner of the choir.”
The Romanesque church was erected in the middle of the 13th century, and its nave and tower are still preserved. Around the middle or during the second half of the 14th century, however, the Romanesque choir was replaced by the current Gothic choir (Roosval 1942, pp. 251–253, 270; Lagerlöf/Svahnström 1991, p. 165). The sacristy was added as recently as 1795 (Roosval 1942, pp. 251, 259). Why, when, and how the picture stone came to its final resting place, whether it had been re-used in some way, perhaps during of the construction of the church, remains unanswered (cf. the similar case of GP 542 Visby St Clemens). GP 542 Visby St Clemens
Measurements, Material and Condition ⓘ“Limestone slab, at its head 15 cm thick. The obverse is naturally flat, but rather rough. The narrow sides are rounded or chamfered towards the back. The reverse is rough und unworked. The height is 120 cm, of which 111 cm are the part between the top of the stone and the keel of the ship. Width of the head 72 cm, of the neck 62 cm, of the base 90 cm (at the keel 84 cm)” (Lindqvist 1941/42 II, p. 70). As can be seen from a photo taken by Bohrn right after the discovery of the slab in 1936, however, the stone’s height given by Lindqvist disregards the preserved root of the monument, which was not visible anymore in 1937 after it had been erected. The now hidden root part is about 60 cm. Thus, the stone’s actual total height is about 180 cm. The obverse of the monument was already much weathered when it was found in 1936, and its state of preservation even worsened since then. Furthermore, today it is overgrown with moss and lichen.
Description of Ornament and Images ⓘLindqvist (1941/42 II, p. 70) only notes that “the decoration, which appears to have been executed in the manner common for stones of this type, is badly weathered”. Surprisingly enough, he does not describe or even mention the results of an investigation of the carvings, which can be seen on the photo of the painted stone given in his book (ibid. fig. 405; cf. the photos by E. Edle 1938 and H. Faith-Ell 1937 in ATA [photos 2164:16 and B3:58]).
According to the painting, the obverse of the monument is divided in four image panels. The bottom panel, which fills approximately the lower half of the decorated obverse, depicts a sailing ship. Only the rhombic pattern of the sail is partly preserved, as well as the (left end of the) keel. In its left corner, the image panel above (neck panel) depicts two probably male human figures in long garments holding long staff-like objects, facing to the right. In the right corner, a horse can be seen, facing to the left. The part between the men and the horse as well as the areas surrounding the horse remain unpainted and seem to be totally weathered. The stone’s head is divided in two panels. The upper one is very small and apparently without any remaining carvings. The bigger panel below is almost completely weathered as well; only a single male human figure in the left corner had been traced with paint. It is facing to the right, wearing a long garment and a chin beard. An extension starting from the figure’s shoulder and running along its back looks like a clothing feature or a wing. The inner frame of the bordering is largely preserved, as well as the horizontal frame lines dividing the panels. The border decoration is completely lost.
Today, it is almost impossible to verify all of the carvings which are described above, even when applying RTI and 3D technologies.
Interpretation of the Imagery ⓘNo interpretation
Type and Dating ⓘTall mushroom-shaped late-type picture stone, i.e., Type C/D. Lindqvist himself assigned the Hejde stone to his ʻAbschnittʼ C, which he dated to around AD 700. However, those Type C/D monuments can only be roughly dated to the period between the 8th and the 10th century. Lisbeth Imer (2004) dates the stone from Hejdeby to the 9th or 10th century. According to Martin Rundkvist (2012), who classifies the monument as a dwarf stone, the slab’s shape represents Type dwarf3, dating to the Middle Vendel Period.
References ⓘLindqvist 1941/42 II, pp. 69–70, fig. 405; Roosval 1942, p. 267.
Bildstenen påträffades 1936 under golvet i sakristian till Hejde kyrka.
Nuvarande lokalisering
Står vid den norra kyrkogårdsmuren nära kyrkans kor.
En svampformad bildsten (typ C-D), 120 x 90 cm. Indelad i fyra bildfält. I det nedersta bildfältet finns ett segel med rombiskt mönster, vilket är rester av ett skepp. I bildfältet ovanför finns fragment av en bild med två män och en häst. Bildstenens huvud är uppdelat i två bildfält. Det övre är helt eroderat, medan en stående man kan skymtas i det lägre bildfältet.
Dateringen kan inte anges närmare, men bildstenen tillhör perioden 700-1000-talen.
Ingen tolkning.
TitleGP 179 Hejde kyrka
Fornsök ID ⓘL1977:9884
RAÄ ID ⓘHejde 1:1
Jan Peder Lamm ID128
Lindqvist Title ⓘHejde, Kirchhof
Last modifed Oct 23, 2024 Developer Data Identifier: GP0179-3DID: 47113D-modelPart 1 depth: 1 RGB: