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Gotlandic Picture Stones - The Online Edition

GP 333 Rone kyrka I


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Parish Find Location ⓘ

Find Location ⓘ
Rone church.

Find Context Classification ⓘ

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Present Location Classification ⓘ
SHM Storage

Coordinate Present Location (lat) ⓘ

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Lindqvist Type 

Runic Inscription or not ⓘ

Runic Inscription ⓘ
… …tur × sina × koþ(a) …

… his/her good daughter/sister …

Quote from Runor

Context and Discovery ⓘ
The stone was found during restauration of the church in 1914, but there is no information about the exact find spot (GR I, p. 69). There is a drawing by Olof Sörling in ATA, as well as photos by Harald Faith-Ell in 1933 (Run- och bildstenssamlingen). A note in the record in SHM says that the fragment is a gift from the congregation in Rone (SHM inv. nr. 15095).

The whole church in Rone was built in the Middle Ages, but there is a sandstone baptismal font that is attributed to Hegvald and probably produced in the 12th century. The restoration work conducted in 1913–1915 seems to have been substantial and affected several parts of the church (BeBR), both walls and the floor, and it cannot be assessed where the stone fragment might have been found.

The two runic fragments (GP 333 and GP 334) found in 1914 are the only known picture stones from the parish.
GP 334 Rone kyrka II

Measurements, Material and Condition ⓘ
“Height 32 cm, width 21 cm, thickness 6–8 cm. Limestone. The fragment is the upper right part of a picture stone-shaped runestone, including a part of the head and the neck. The stone surfaces have been cut evenly on both sides. The fragment is described by Lindqvist as follows: The obverse is hewn flat and polished; the surviving piece of a narrow side also is hewn flat, at right angles towards the obverse. There are numerous chisel marks on the narrow side. In places, the narrow side is separated from the reverse, which otherwise is rough and unworked, by an up to 1.5-cm-wide chamfer. The fragment’s maximum height is 34 cm, its maximum width – at a right angle to the imagined connecting line between the points furthest apart in length – is 21 cm. The fragment represents part of the head, neck, and right corner of a picture stone” (Lindqvist 1941/42 II, pp. 106–107).

According to Lindqvist and Wessén, the two fragments GP 333 and GP 334 found in 1914 belong to two different stones, even though they seem to have been produced by similar limestone (Lindqvist 1941/42, p. 106; GR I, p. 70).

Traces of red pigment have been noticed in the runes (SHM inv. Nr. 15095; Lindqvist 1941/42 II, pp. 106–107; GR I, p. 69). A microscopic analysis of these pigments was made by antiquarian Gunnel Werner together with Lisbeth Lindholm. They found red pigment partly as clumps in the runes, somewhat thin in the pores of the runes, between the runes and on the horse head. In addition, they found black pigment as tiny grains of soot in the runes and on the horse head and as grey colour in the pores, as the background to the horse. They consider the traces of white colouring erratic, as it in some places superimposes the blackish or grey colour around the horse. The white material is porous and reminiscent of plaster, and it is found on the upper and lower fracture surfaces. Therefore, they asked whether a cast had been made or whether the fragment was fastened in some way and suggested that the white material might be stone dust (Werner 1976).
GP 334 Rone kyrka II

Description of Ornament and Images ⓘ
Apart from a border frame approximately 5 cm wide and a segment of a horizontal border that is peculiar since it is split inwards, the upper panel features the forepart of a horse with its rein. From its forehead, a large tuft of hair hangs down almost as far as the mouth. Runes and contour lines are formed by 2-mm-deep lines with a wedge-shaped cross section. The background field above the horizontal border is sunk up to 5 mm deep and below it up to 7 mm (Lindqvist 1941/42 II, pp. 106–107). The head of the horse with its round eye and curved neck is reminiscent of the stone GP 360 Sproge Kyrka (G 373).
GP 360 Sproge kyrka

Interpretation of the Imagery ⓘ
No interpretation

Type and Dating ⓘ
Type E. Picture stone shaped runestone. 11th century.

References ⓘ
von Friesen 1934; Lindqvist 1941/42 II, pp. 106f., fig. 476; GR, G 52.


Nuvarande förvaringsplats
SHM:s magasin i Tumba.

Sen vikingatid, 1000-talet.

Fragment av en bildstensformad runsten. Stenen är en bit av den högra, övre delen av bildstenen. I bildstenens topp finns en häst med tygel. Längs med kanten löper ett band med en runinskrift.

Inskrift: … sin goda dotter (el. syster) …

Stenen hör till en grupp av bildstensformade runstenar, som kombinerar bildstensmotiv och traditionell bildstensform med en framträdande minnesinskrift. Hästen har troligen haft en ryttare, men denne syns inte på detta fragment. Denna sten har varit rest till minne av en kvinna.

GP 333 Rone kyrka I

Fornsök ID ⓘ

Rone 297:3

Jan Peder Lamm ID

Statens Historiska Museer ID ⓘ

Lindqvist Title ⓘ
Rone, Kirche I

Runverket ID ⓘ
G 52

Last modifed Jun 25, 2024


Developer Data
Identifier: GP0333-3D
ID: 4864
Part1 Depth null
Part1 RGB null